Get Full Access To 183 Pages of Every Single Hard-Hitting and Actionable Strategy and Tactic We Learned From The 30 Day Eben Pagan Seeds Of Success Course and . . .

Never Be “Normal” Again

You CAN’T be both “Normal” . . . AND “Exceptional” or “Incredible” or “Legendary” at the same time

So today you get to choose to leave “normal” behind and move forward towards being Exceptional, Incredible, and Legendary

What is positive in your life right now?

What have you done so far that was successful?

What have been the advantages of doing things the way you’ve been doing them?

I would say that if you have everything you want in regards to health & happiness, money & wealth, love & relationships, learning & fulfillment, and in terms of giving back and contributing to others and you believe you’ve already reached Success with a capital S then you shouldn’t be wasting your time here.

But if you know there’s some room for improvement in any of these areas of your life, then I believe you’ll agree that what you see in your notes on this course can dramatically improve what you suck at… and put some much appreciated extra horse power behind what you’re already doing well.

Now let me ask you . . .

What would be even better than what you’re experiencing now in terms of your health & happiness, money & wealth, love & relationships, learning & fulfillment, and your ability to give back and contribute to others?

Please take a second and imagine what would have to be here now so that you would know that these areas of your life are better than what you have now?

What would have to be present, that isn’t today, so that you’ll be doing things in your life even better than you have been up until now?

I want you to keep all the things in your life that you enjoy and encourage you to build on what you love so that your world can be calibrated precisely the way you want it to be.

The fact that you’re here now and that you can even entertain the option to click on whatever link that brought you here and then click on the buy link on this page and invest in taking things to the next level in your life tells me that you’ve had successes in the past… at least enough success to where you’re open enough to the idea of being, doing and having more of it.

There have been times and situations you’ve experienced where you knew you had to make things happen and you’ve been successful. There have been times where maybe you didn’t even realize it, because it was so easy for you, that you got exactly what you wanted.

More of this is what I believe is in store for you today – an enhancement of your skills that make it even easier to get EXACTLY what you want.

Someday I’d like to know about these winning experiences, those triumphant successes you’ve had. I’d like to know what you’ve noticed was going on when you’ve been most successful and what allowed you to do that.

But until the day comes when you and I talk one-on-one, I’ll just ask you to remember and re-cherish in your own mind, one or two of these experiences that allowed you to feel like a conquering hero in your world.

Now the only objective you and I have today is working towards helping you refine your success process so that “kicking ass” becomes the base line, the default setting for how you operate from here on out into your future.

Here’s A Glimpse Of What Can You Be Doing To Make Things Even Better In Your Life…

(Scroll through and take a look at just the first few days of this amazing program. Over 180 pages await you inside)

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In “The Seeds of Your Success” course Eben Pagan reveals, over 30 days, the specific, often-ignored, or unknown small ingredients, actions, and conditions that all contribute to you feeling more successful and fulfilled with how you’re living your life.

When you plant and nurture these small seeds of success, they lead to you having the big life-changing breakthroughs in your health, your emotional well-being, your relationships, your profession, and your overall growth that allows you to contribute more value as a human being.

Think about the magic that happens when a tiny seed finds the right conditions which allow it to transform and flourish and eventually grow to become a massive oak tree.

There are conditions, actions, skill sets, people, habits, and ideas that can grow a person from being a small-time, needy, weak, and wimpy victim . . . and transform them into a wildly valuable and desirable leader.

What you get in these notes are the underlying components that grow successful and fulfilled human beings . . .
  • Day 1: Do You Know The One Commonality To ALL Paths To Success That Isn’t Obvious In Any Area? Becoming successful is not hard in the sense that in order to succeed, you’ve got to be able to withstand a Mid-evil torture chamber level of pain and have several degrees from Harvard, Yale and Oxford to achieve it. Especially if you’re harnessing your natural gifts and you’re utilizing the technology the world has to offer to help you along the way. And yet the vast majority of people suffer from embarrassment about their situation in life. Once you know this commonality, you’ll have the first step to allowing yourself to move beyond the level of success you have now . . .
  • Day 2: What Is The Key To Setting Your Life Up So That You’re ALWAYS Doing The Right Thing? Yes, it is highly possible for you to ONLY be taking actions that have you behaving as a champion would. As soon as you learn how to hack the systems in your mind that govern the choices you make, you’ll naturally and automatically start stacking day on top of day on top of day that you are supremely proud of which is the beginning of magnificent accomplishment and the praise from others that makes your heart flutter. . .
  • Day 3: 12 Accepted and Popular Norms That Are Murdering Your Self-Respect and Your Happiness: You are now experiencing feelings of certainty, variety, significance, love/connection in your life. I have a vision for you where you’re meeting all of these needs at MUCH higher levels than you are now without being made to be fat, sick, broke, and dumber while doing so like you are now if you’re engaging in any of these twelve addictions . . . 
  • Day 4: What is the highest leveraged thing you can do to make your habits your bitch? Your routines and your habits are the places that allow you get the most leverage over yourself, short of a complete overhaul of your entire belief system. We are already doing habitual behaviors – you go to bed at basically the same time, you eat the same basic meals at around the same times, you entertain yourself the same way at basically the same times, etc. The only problem is, you didn’t consciously choose these behaviors and set them according to your vision of success. You just fell into them. Using what you learn in this day’s lesson will finally allow you stop killing yourself softly with idiot habits you didn’t consciously choose . . .
  • Day 5: Organizing Your Life So That You’ve Got All The Energy You Need: Look around and start feeling pride in finally knowing of 7 non-traditional and often ignored actions you can take that let you run mental and physical circles around all the fat, greasy, lazy people around you who can’t get anything done without 5-Hour Energy, Red Bull, or whatever other toxic shit people putting in their body just to sluggishly get through the day . . .
  • Day 6: “After we eat a meal, most of us are useless for the next several hours” – World Famous Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais: If you eat massive quantities of starchy, sugary, and heavy ass food at every one of your feedings and you’re honest with yourself . . . you can accept the truth in the quote above. Well, Eben spent this day showing how you can stop putting yourself into a coma every time you eat and still enjoy your life and not feel like the fun police have showed up and shut the party down. Yes, you’re free to stay on the path to losing your feet to diabetes and rolling around for the rest of your life in a motorized rascal cart but I think you’ll like what Eben has laid out for you here better than that . . . 
  • Day 7: Sitting Is Killing You: Discover what Eben has done to stop having the top of his back aching and feeling like it’s wound tighter than a drum (symptom common to people who sit all day) and the brain dead simple to use, $15 dollar, time-tested and proven book you can use to have your body stop feeling like it’s a suit of armor that clanks around all day, leaving you feeling much older than you are . . .
YES!!! I understand that I will receive the exact strategies and tactics many paid thousands for and lots of time. I also understand that I will Get IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the over 180 PAGES of notes in this report. And I’m fully backed by the 100% NO B.S. Guarantee explained below. I can have them today for the low price of just $79. Please let me have my notes NOW
  • Day 8: Stop Being A Dumb Ass Who Is Jerked Around By The Leash Of Your Emotions: The way emotions are triggered in us is through making pictures/movies/sounds in our minds, or through moving our body in a certain way. Changing what we see or hear in our minds, or the way that we’re moving our bodies are ways to trigger POSITIVE emotions. See precisely how to gain control of your emotions just like the coolest people you can think of do . . .
  • Day 9: Make Your Fear Show You Respect And Serve You: Fear felt consistently transforms into anxiety that runs all the time in the background of your mind/body. When fear and anxiety tag-team your mind/body together, this turns into worry. Worry is you functioning while feeling fear and anxiety. All of these feelings are preventing from being as healthy, smart and resourceful as you can be. But not anymore. I have seen over the mountain and can see you using the “4 Befriending Fear” actions steps here that allow you to stand tall when faced with fright where before you may have been paralyzed into behaving like a pussy . . . 
  • Day 10: Becoming Your Own Best Friend: You may not even notice that there is a voice constantly speaking to you. Most people don’t. The conversation of this voice is running in your mind 24/7 and more likely than not, it is a shit-talking conversation that leads to you feeling embarrassed, belittled and discouraged. The good news is, Eben’s vast research into this topic has allowed him to come up with answers for how to change this conversation so that it becomes your greatest ally and consistently encourages you to be a bad ass – your very best self . . .
  • Day 11: Master The Emotion That Turns ALL News Into Good News: Shit, is guaranteed to be dropped on your lap. I don’t care if you’re using all of the previous 10 day’s lessons masterfully and you’re reigning supreme over all the fat, greasy losers who don’t have access to these notes. Shit will hit the fan in your future and after this day’s lesson you’ll know exactly what to do when it does so that you step up like Michael Jordan and hit winning shots when your teams are down and they need you to save the day . . .
  • Day 12: The Most Dangerous Way You Can Describe Yourself To Yourself: No, this goes far beyond simply seeing yourself as a “winner” instead of a “loser”. And because most people don’t have the distinction you’re going to master in this lesson, they sentence themselves to a life of playing small, as chumps do. When you’re using what you learn here, your answer to the question of, “Who would you be if there was no one else to judge you and if you were living up to your true potential?” will amaze you as well as everyone else you interact with . . . 
  • Day 13: Learning – Kryptonite To The Masses:  There are 8 Levels of Learning. The majority of people are stuck at Level 1. Just the thought of learning something new makes them want to curl up into a ball and whimper. And this is why they live lives of quiet desperation. But this isn’t you. You will now know exactly what it takes to build your mind step-by-step into superior adaptive tool that allows you to quickly absorb and then master new skill sets that allow you to beam with pride as the people in your life see you as the “Go-To-Guy” . . . 
  • Day 14: Can You Have Too Much Self-Esteem? The short answer to this question is “No”. Some people don’t believe they can be happy about being successful if other people are neither successful nor happy, which in essence says that until others are happy and successful, you won’t be either. One question to ask yourself if you believe this is, “Are you going to help more people be happy and successful by being happy and successful . . . or will you help more people if you’re unhappy and an embarrassment to your true potential?” See in your notes what the Godfather of Self-Esteem, Nathaniel Branden taught Eben about how to gain shiny, bullet-proof self-esteem that lets you be hero in your own eyes and in the eyes of the people you help carry to the promised land… 
  • Day 15: Why The Realists Of The World Are Depressed Losers: In this section of your notes you’ll discover what Eben calls, “The Mental Super Power Of Champions” and how you can let optimism steer the ship of your mind. This means that when things aren’t working in your favor, time is running out, you’re feeling sick to your stomach, you’re behind on the project, you’ll be able to go inside and manufacture the optimism needed to pull out a world class performance against all odds . . .   
  • Day 16: Using Crystal Clear Visions In Your Mind For More Than Jacking Off or Flicking The Baked Bean To Orgasmic Bliss: If you can’t see the future the way you want it to be, you can’t create the future you want. Instead you’ll have visions of clinging to other people, hoping their vision for the future will make you happy. But it probably doesn’t, and it probably won’t in the future. This section of your notes shows you why turning yourself into a Success-oriented visionary is a critical factor in your life if you want to move beyond being average or a complete loser… and THEN goes on to show you how to create success oriented pictures in your mind just like an Academy award winning director like Steven Spielberg would on film; visions that are in HIGH DEFINITION, that have pristine audio, that move at the perfect speed you want them to, at the perfect angle you want them to in precisely the way that will pull you into a future you will be excited about experiencing . . .
  • Day 17: Why Does Eben Call Meditation “The Ultimate Mental Power Tool”? Because once you’re using the super simple practice he reveals to you in this section, you’ll notice that you’ll actually experience directly what it’s like to get your mind to Shut. The. Fuck. Up! When your mind can shut up for 30-60 seconds, when the thoughts come back, you’ll notice that 99% of these thoughts aren’t even necessary and that some of them are downright viciously harmful to you and that you’ve been just uselessly blabbing away unconsciously to yourself for your entire life. Coming to this conclusion for yourself and then expanding how long your mind stands still can be THE most powerful thing you ever do to wake yourself up out of your auto-pilot stupor that is “normal” to you, that has been dead weight to you all your life…
  • Day 18: What Are The Natural Talents You Were Born With? See why the only way you’re ever going to create massive value and innovation and success in the world is through you unearthing and refining your talents to the level of mastery. Then, see how the easiest way to find your greatest talents is to look at your weaknesses. Get ready for the excitement that comes with having people worship you for your talents . . .
  • Day 19: The Universal Trustable Trait: Figure out what this is, why people across every culture bow down to it and what you have to do in order to master the 9 qualities that activate this trait so that people will clearly see you are the real deal and that you unquestionably deserve to be paid attention to and lavished with respect and praise . . .
  • Day 20: Who Is Going To Be In Demand In The Work Force Of The Future? The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says that a person graduating college today will have 10-14 different jobs and 3-5 different career changes by age 38. Are you ready for this? If not, you will be after going through this section of your notes and seeing what you get to do in order to have a fucking blast riding this wave of change that is crashing down upon us . . . 
  • Day 21: Getting Shit Done In A World Hell Bent On Bringing Our Focus To Its Knees Begging For The Myriad Of Crack Cocaine-Like Distractions Of The 21st Century: Chumps stay “Busy”. Champions stay “Busy Getting Desirable Results”. Learn the distinction between the two and what to do to become the champ who consistently gets the job done . . .    
  • Day 22: The Most Important Job You’ll Ever Have in Your Life: If you want your business or professional life to be a thousand times smoother than it is now, you’ll want to be connected to influential and powerful people. If you aren’t connected, the likelihood of you succeeding drops massively. Discover what it takes to amass a network that serves as the most valuable asset you can ever possess . . .
  • Day 23: The Difference Between Good Fortune and Good Luck: When you truly appreciate and accept why broke ass losers favor Good Luck and the mega financially wealthy individuals of today and in the past favor Good Fortune, you’ll be well on your way to having more money than you could ever need. See the secret to overcoming your stupid impulses in business and finances in this section of your notes….
  • Day 24: The Real Reason Why Money Can’t Buy Love And What Will: If you’re looking to attract Mr. or Ms. Right into your life, you definitely will appreciate what you see in this section of your notes. If you’re in a relationship now with Mr. or Ms. Right, you’ll definitely want to see this section of your notes so that this person STAYS attracted to you, and in fact, their attraction to you grows over time instead of disappears as is the case for the majority of confused losers out there . . .  
  • Day 25: Why You Can’t Reach Your Full Potential As A Human Being If You’re Not Sharing Your Love In An Intimate Relationship: Romantic Love lets you create new aspects of yourself. Your life expands in proportion to the amount of love in it. This means love can be the access to who you want to be or, who you truly are. See how to maximize and enhance Romantic Love; the ticket to immortality, the access portal to your biggest, baddest self, the most complex and rewarding game you’ll ever play and one of the highest expressions of your humanity . . .
  • Day 26: Shameless Sizzling Hot Sex: If right now you are over-eating, over-drinking alcohol, numbing yourself with drugs (legal or illegal), cheating on your partner, spending 99% of your free time playing with your phone, your computer, your tablet, watching T.V. shows or movies, playing video games, I would dare to say your sex life is shit. Dive into this section of your notes so that you can find and then GET what excites you and what you hunger for and cultivate the beast within that wants to make noise, that wants to bite, that wants to scratch, grope, caress, talk, laugh and go wild – the part of you that wants to go primal by getting out of your head and into your body and into the body of your lover. Find your inner beast that wants to “fuck” and not just go through the ho-hum motions of civilized “intercourse” . . .
  • Day 27: Master The Art Of Fighting a.k.a. Romantic Conflict: The 7 tactics you see in this section of your notes will help you be courageous and loving when the inevitable disagreements happen in a relationship with your lover. Instead of getting butthurt and raging pissed and having no resolution and resentment for each other be the aftermath of a fight . . . these tactics can allow you to learn through conflict and when conflict is resolved effectively, this serves to strengthen the relationship. See how fighting can actually bring you closer together and how being a good fighter can lead your lover to having deeper respect and appreciation for you . . . 
  • Day 28: How To Stop Being Afraid To Be A Leader: Taking on responsibility scares the shit out of most people. It’s way easier to sit back and blame the leaders for things going bad. Inherently, as a leader, by definition, you’re doing something different than the rest of the herd which is always going to be challenged and will be a source of stress to manage. Any time you don’t just fit in with the crowd and stay below the radar, you’re always going to be a target for haters. See why the rewards of becoming a leader who is force for good are priceless and how to best support the people who are just waiting for you to take the torch and lead them to greatness . . .
  • Days 29 & 30 further support you developing into a leader and round this topic off powerfully. 
YES!!! I understand that I will receive the exact strategies and tactics many paid thousands for and lots of time. I also understand that I will Get IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the over 180 PAGES of notes in this report. And I’m fully backed by the 100% NO B.S. Guarantee explained below. I can have them today for the low price of just $79. Please let me have my notes NOW
You Will Go Beyond Behaving “Normal”…After Being Exposed To These Notes –This Much I Can Guarantee You

Here’s why . . .

Eben grew up so poor that he never even had a new pair of shoes until he was a teenager.

By his mid-twenties he’d never had a job that paid over $10 dollars an hour and being in a shitty no-name rock band scrounging for gigs wasn’t bringing him any kind of sustainable success.

This led him to trying all kinds of different career paths which didn’t really pan out, but that did contribute nuggets of wisdom that he could apply to his efforts later.

Around ten years ago he wrote a book that helped guys with their dating lives and he sold it online. This wasn’t what he wanted to be doing ideally. He’d a rather been making it big as a real estate hot shot but that business wasn’t panning out so well for him.

But he started selling a couple of these books a day online and slowly but surely he started selling more and more every day to the point where he realized that he’d really stumbled onto something with this dating advice niche.

Eventually this business of his that started out with a $20 dollar ebook, ended up having a catalog of programs and live events that led to his site being the number #1 site on the topic of dating advice.

So, based on him taking this business from selling a couple of books a day from his bedroom . . . to hauling in over $10 million dollars a year with books, audio programs, video programs and live events . . . he started teaching other people what he did that allowed him to grow the business and this new business also became wildly successful leading to him now selling over $29 million dollars a year of products, services and events between his dating advice business and his business advice business and more recently, his personal development advice business.

And he did, and continues to do, all of this, from his home.

But what has contributed massively to this success has been him planting these seeds he’s laying out in this course for you that have allowed him to get his body in the best shape it has ever been in . . . finding a lover that is positively amazing . . . and to connect with amazing thought leaders that have enlightened him and opened up doors which have brought massive opportunities his way.

His life is now wildly different than before he sowed these seeds of success and was a long-haired rocker living in trailer in the middle of bum fuck Oregon.

And the one thing that has been most valuable to him in his life ISN’T the millions of dollars that he has stuffed into his pockets, but rather it is the work he did on his mindset and his psychology.

For a lot of people who become financially successful, the money and the attention becomes a massive pain in the ass for them because their limited mindset/psychology and behaviors can’t handle all the problems success brings with it and this drives them crazy or turns them into real douche bags.

This is a normal occurrence. Just as ducks flying South for the winter is.

But everything in your Seeds of Success notes is designed to prevent this from ever happening to you and this is why you will NOT be “normal” after having been exposed to their wisdom that is coming from what Eben has learned, then applied in the real world, and then taught to others at these courses and seminars of his. . .

  • Advanced Learning and Teaching Technologies seminar
  • Self-Made Wealth program
  • Wake Up Productive Program
  • Leading You, Me, and We leadership seminar
  • Neuro Linguistic Programming seminar
  • Patterns of Personality seminar
  • His Mind Control seminar
  • How To Be Creative and Innovative Course
  • Becoming Mr. Right seminar
  • Mastering Self Esteem Course he did with Nathaniel Branden
  • Along with all the five jillion books he’s read and courses he’s devoured

Being that this is the open and shut case . . . 

Here’s My Solemn Unconditional Promise To You

I trust that what you discover and put to work in any one of these 30 Seeds of Success will bring you the admiration, the security, and the freedom you secretly… or not so secretly lust after.

But of course I would say that.

These are my notes and I’m “beat on my chest” proud of them. I have spent over 40 hours driving their awesomeness into my mind while taking them, then editing them, then formatting them, so of course, I’m biased.

Now if the world were a fair place, information marketers would only make money when you do so in the spirit of being a force for good, I’m putting my money where my mouth is.

Your Eben Pagan Seeds of Success notes must reveal and explain in detail to you the strategies and tactics behind leaving “normal” behind and moving forward towards being exceptional, incredible, and legendary in your life…

If for some strange reason you don’t feel that because you now have this wisdom and that by following the exercises in your notes you will now have the moral authority that gives you the permission to lead yourself and others to greatness and be justified in feeling the supreme confidence in the fact that you indeed are a superior being and that you are indeed worthy of worship in the eyes of other people you support with your incredible performance in life . . . simply let me know and I’ll personally rush you a refund for everything you invested in these notes!

Take as long as you like – all the way up until your 1 year guarantee – to absorb and digest these revolutionary truths.

Then you decide: You have to be completely convinced that your notes are leading you to EARNING super hero status in the eyes of others because your ACTIONS that flow from following these exercises are MAKING SURE you are BEING superior; DOING WHAT SUPERIOR PEOPLE DO; not just pretending to be superior – talking the talk but not walking the walk. And if you aren’t convinced of this . . . I’ll rush you a full refund AND of course you keep your Seeds of Your Success notes without cost . . . as my gift to you for trusting me.

You can have ALL the BRILLIANT learnings Eben reveals in this course that you or almost no one else on the planet has access to because IT IS NOT readily for sale. And you can have them in the shortened time it takes to breeze through my easy-0n-the-eye 183 pages of notes.

So it’s up to you:

You can NEVER get these PRICELESS insights because you’re too lazy to watch and take notes on your own home study version of this course you were lucky enough to get your hands on . . . or perhaps NEVER even have these insights because you can’t even buy this course now or . . .

. . . you can possess these REVOLUTIONARY insights and have them at your beck and call to help you slash and burn through all your useless habits and install the behaviors that allow you gain the skills and the insights that allow you to be your own real-life super hero to the group of people you care most about influencing, or you can use them…

…to embarrass the shit out your competitors or people who used to kick sand in your face because you couldn’t learn skills as fast they could and didn’t execute on what you did actually learn, or . . . to protect yourself from going broke because you’re seen as the “dinosaur” who just isn’t with it out there in the workforce or market, or . . . or to gain the respect of being the “Man/Woman With The Plan” that your friends and family admire and come to when they need help and are thankful for having in their life

Whatever your motivation is for wanting to learn the HONORABLE and the PROFITABLE way to behave, I honor it. And I’m proud of you for choosing to handle this oh-so crucial area of the legacy you’ll leave behind.

So please, accept this gift to yourself now for only $79  BY GETTING THE NOTES HERE.

Your Friend,

Lewis LaLannee
NoteTakingNerd #2

YES!!! I understand that I will receive the exact strategies and tactics many paid thousands for and lots of time. I also understand that I will Get IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the over 180 PAGES of notes in this report. And I’m fully backed by the 100% NO B.S. Guarantee explained below. I can have them today for the low price of just $79. Please let me have my notes NOW